keraton yogyakarta

Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is one of the assets owned by Indonesia, which is the heart of Javanese culture, particularly for Culture. Kraton themselves are morphologically derived from the words of Queen, which is where bersemayamnya queens.
History of the palace can not be separated from a number of myths surrounding. For example the fertility goddess myth tells the story of brothers and Raden Dwi Sri Sadhana who cursed his father King Purwacarita because they do not want to live in the palace.
In the course of its history, culture wheel Palace Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat driven by people ranging from the highest strata, namely the sovereign, until the lowest, ie servants in the palace. The Sultan who led the palace (from Prince Mangkubumi who were in power until the lane X) is the main figures who control the cultural palace of wheels. At lower levels there are the soldiers palace which is divided into 12 unitary with different tasks and functions.
Collection of heritage objects, including golden carriage, sacred weapons, flags, and musical instruments are still stored in the palace. Kiai Kangjeng Pleret heirloom weapons in the form of a spear is considered the most sacred heritage and the highest dignity. This inheritance is believed to be closely related to the history of the founding of the kingdom of Mataram by Panembahan Senopati which is the forerunner of the kings of Java in Surakarta and Yogyakarta.
In addition there were more weapons and heritage Kangjeng Godotapan Kiai Kiai Kangjeng Godowedono (form penggada), Kangjeng Kiai teat (dagger), and Kangjeng Kiai Pengarabarab (large knife like a sword).
Musical instruments that can be seen in the palace is Kanjeng Kiai Tudhung Mungguh (cymbal), Kangjeng Kiai Simo (cymbal), Kangjeng Kiai Udanarum (cymbal), Kangjeng Kiai Meyek (drums), Kangjeng Kiai Guntursari (one unit of gamelan), Kangjeng Kiai Keboganggang (gamelan), and Kangjeng Kiai Lindhu (gamelan).
As a once glorious empire of the era, at the Palace environment Ngayogyakarta born Hadiningrat many cultural works, among them the arts of dance, shadow puppets, puppet people, and gamelan. Two dances are still frequently performed in the palace is a dance and dance Bedoyo Serimpi.
Yogyakarta Palace with an area of 1.3 km2, a typology is still associated with the physical layout palace-palace in Java. Arstitektur building is divided into seven sections according to the assumption that inherited from the Hindu religion, that the number seven is a perfect number. Also in accordance with the principles of Javanese cosmology is that the world is divided into three layers, namely the "world above" bersemayamnya place of the gods, "middle world" where humans, and the "underworld" who represent the forces of evil in nature. Then, the world's top and bottom are divided into three sections, so that the world into seven layers.
In the context of the palace buildings, seven layers of the world is embodied in the seven spatial structure that forms a unity. Environment I is the North Square to North Hinggil Siti, Environment II (Keben or North Kemandungan), Environment III (Sri Manganti), IV Environmental Center (Kraton), Environment V (Kemagangan), Environment VI (Kemandungan Kidul), and Lingkunagn VII (Square of the South to South Sitihinggil).
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