Ngaben rituality in bali

In general, 'cremation' in Bali can be regarded as one of the religious rituals and traditions of meaningful ritual to restore a dead human body to its origin, called Panca Maha Bhuta (five elements: earth, water, fire, wind and ether). Thus, religious rituals or traditions? Impure nor pure religious tradition, both taxable. Religious rituals because it is contained in the holy books, ritual traditions of the fact that the implementation of cremation ceremonies in Bali are filled with traditional herbs in Bali, there bade / container, there is a lion / ox, there is gender / puppets, there are certain sacred tarian2 etc.. By taking analogy cremation ceremony (cremation) in India as a Hindu religious origin, cremation in Bali is very different to the cremation in India. So I assume that cremation in Bali are the blend of tradition and religion. Ucapara cremation in India do not need crap like in Bali. And if any such cremation in Bali? Of course not. Because Hinduism is flexible where the implementation of teaching adapted to the local culture (local genius Indonesian language). That makes me throw up our enekg is when cremation ceremony in Bali has deviated from the essence of the essence, the bias is far from its original meaning and has come out of religion rails. It's still fresh in my memory as a cremation ceremony in Bali commercialized by jor-rod. Created a website, put the newspaper even announced on local television. Wrong? Of course not, it's just me so enekg. It is the right of individual
The existence of a new trend in cremation ceremony in Nusa Penida, inspiring the title of this post that may be classified as having its own Eyewitness News. Ngaben there be a kind of showcase the financial ability of the family concerned. In the village of B (full name of the village there is the editorial writer), a family that carry out the cremation ceremony of the 'eccentric' as a new motorcycle diaben join with those who died. The reason is, because he loved her and intention to buy a motorcycle has not been accomplished at the time the person was still alive. I'm really not sure if in nature there is need bikes. Again, this is not wrong. But it would be wise if the bike is used alone in this world. In the village of S, there is more to make singa2an (part of which later joined badewadah burned) of the banknote. Lions were made as usual with a bamboo frame and covered with velvet and decorated prada. Once completed, the entire body of a lion is plastered with bills 50 thousands and 100 thousands, so the lions tersebutpun require special care before being burned. The reason? Let the spirit of the deceased have a provision in the bye and bye. Wrong? Certainly not, if the spirit is to buy a plane ticket / bus to get to the bye and bye.
Up here I can only think, where in fact the essence of human culture of Bali in practicing religion? Pure as if human beings in carrying out the Bali Hindu religion? Small contoh2 of course, would not be used as a parameter to assess the overall phenomenon, but at least be able to open my eyes that still dominate the ego hal2 concerning religion. Also lack a true understanding of the essence and the basic meaning of a ritual is performed
Tag:ngaben,ritual,upacara pemakaman,culture,adat,bali,indonesia
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