Thursday, July 15

the impact of technology for life

the development of world science and technology are so fascinating that it has brought tremendous benefits for the advancement of civilization of mankind. The types of jobs that previously required substantial physical capabilities, is now relatively device can be replaced by automated machines, so also the discovery of new formulations computer capacity, as has been able to shift the position of the human brain's ability in various fields of science and human activities . Brief words of science and technology progress we have achieved today has really recognized and felt to give a lot of convenience and comfort for human life. Science and Technology Contribution to civilization and human welfare can not be denied. But man can not deceive ourselves also to the fact that science and technology will bring disaster and misery for mankind.

Even if the technology is able to uncover all the secret veil of nature and life, does not mean that technology is synonymous with truth. Because science and technology is only capable of displaying a reality. Human truth which must be more than just an objective reality. Truth must also include elements of justice. Of course, science and technology knows no moral humanity, because science and technology can never become a standard of truth or solution of human

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